Thursday, April 26, 2012

Diodoran Razorbeast and Brynn
Sorry for lack of updates and shit... I've been stressing school a lot. Anyways, here's 2 out of 3 characters for Character Design class. The third will be an old dude who I probably should have posted before. Oh well.

Character on the right was originally a 10 year old boy, but since the old and young chars have to be of opposite gender, I opted to make him into a 14 year old tomboy chick. Works better, I think. My old female character was literally an old woman with an AK-47, which I found hilarious, but it didn't really fit the universe.

Anyways, I have to add third character, colour, shade, and a background in two days time, so if you don't mind, I'm going to black out for a few hours.

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