Sunday, December 19, 2010

I'm here for you, man...

When friends console me, this scenario always pops into my head for some reason.

Friday, December 17, 2010

He walks...

My extremely brief Speck walk cycle. Did this in class.
Needs some serious 'tweening, but here he is animated.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

This must be Thursday.

Immediately after drawing this, I spilled india ink all over my desk.

It's been a bitch of a week.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Colder than a witch's tit out there...

Don't resist the cold.

Everyone likes pin-ups. Right? (That's why I became an artist. So I could draw alien chicks in sexy poses. Seriously.)

Yes, I'm aware of the fact that he is yelling at his shoe. Sometimes I feel like that.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Why I hate my life.

Every damn day.
I drew a small comic.

I'll post more later, right after this cigarette.

Thursday, December 9, 2010


I want to make a small animation with this guy... just a repeating loop that goes in time with TV All Greasy by Tobacco.

LaStone finished

Might need a bit more work, but here she is.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

LaStone colour treatment

I totally cheated and 'shopped in Charlize Theron's face for most of the facial colouring, but it looks good I think. Can't wait till I finish the rest of the costume.

Dumbass of Love

The cast of a comic I want to do, based on this story. The protagonist's name is Jim here instead of "Saints Gambit" (Note the logo on the school sweaters is "SG", which would stand for "Saint Gambit"... or something. That's my nod to the author.)
I wonder if I'll need to pay Saints Gambit royalties if I ever decide to make money off this thing. Or is the internet still free?

Dust mite. Is it tiny or huge?
(Actually it's huge, I had to scan this in 2 parts, so some of the lines are a tiny bit off... not that you'd be able to tell.)

My khajiit from Oblivion. Haven't played him in ages, but it's nice to know he's there. The Dark Brotherhood armour really suited him... he was a corrupt fuck.

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In less art-related news, watching Norm MacDonald clips on youtube is really helping me get over this crappy break up.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

My old Shockwave Metal. I used this thing for 9 years... from Grade 9 until last year. I bought it from my buddy Paul in my class for $20. I decorated it with tape because I'm all artistic and stuff. The anti-shock button is missing so I packed it full of tape and covered it up. It still worked. The small device that clicked to hold the CD in place on the inside is also broken, so I had to use small amounts of sticky-tack to keep the disc there. It worked most of the time.

This object is extremely personal to me, and has been completely phased out of my life. I owe so much to this thing. I will never have to use it again.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Day of uploads

Tres LaStone
 This one is from a dream... she is supposed to be the foil to JC Denton from Deus Ex (hence the Stealth Pistol in her hand).  I have the colour scheme all planned out in my brain, so stay tuned.

Jiff (left) and Ankh
 These guys are from a super-team that I am in the midst of creating... The Anonymous Corps. Jiff is an Imp mechanic and builds and maintains robots and cybernetics. Ankh is his prized creation.

Amphi (left) and B.T.U.
More Anonymous Corps. Amphi is a genetically engineered teenager who can manipulate electrical fields and breathe underwater. B.T.U. is an omniscient alien in a cyber-suit.
And, I feel I'm obligated to draw snails every once in a while... 

From a few days ago

 A game screenshot I did for shits and giggles. I'm hoping this will be the cover of the game soundtrack that I want Chemical Assassin to do... one day. I'm gonna colour it all up nice and pretty and overlay the HUD bits with a glow effect.

 Probably an album cover of some sort.

Miss Machine
This was a school exercise for drawing shadow-shapes that turned out pretty good, so I decided to run with it and add arms and legs to the mannequin. I'm not sure if all the shapes are shaded correctly because I did the actual tones when I got home, but you get the jist.

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Will post again later today before class if I have time to draw. I have a shit ton of (late) homework to do, and I also gotta work on getting that cushy, six-figure dream job at some point...

Look at this hipster over here with his scarf and his blog...

Oh, hello... didn't see you there.

So, I'm probably going to use this thing to update more sporadic art, such as rough sketches, dreams, etc., rather than my deviantArt page which I will keep for more finished work. Considering I draw almost every day, you can expect posts with invariable frequency.

Oh, and remember to comment and gimme love and all that good stuff.